Though a few genetically gifted women are immune to it, most develop cellulite at certain times in their lives. Cellulite is not exclusive to women, a lot of men have it, too but because of women’s physiologic predisposition to it; more women are inclined to have it. Harmless but generally annoying, even embarrassing, cellulite appears dimply, resembling cottage cheese. It can occur anywhere in the body but mostly, it is seen in the thighs and buttocks.
People of varying shapes and sizes develop cellulite and though some apparently thin individuals have it, the most commonly afflicted ones are those who are overweight and obese. With a lot of people trying to get rid of cellulite, many studies have been dedicated to it resulting to the development of anti-cellulite potions and concoctions. However, experts believe that the best way to get rid of cellulite is through exercise.
It is not surprising for some to question the effects of exercise on the management of cellulite. After all, cellulite is hard to get rid of. Can exercise get rid of cellulite? There are conditions to it but generally, the answer to this question is yes, exercise can get rid of cellulite. The Mayo Clinic recommends exercise paired with a proper diet to reduce these unsightly bumps on the skin.
If experts believe that there is truth to this, what kind of exercises should you do to facilitate it? Cardiovascular or aerobics exercises are known to burn calories; reduce fat and consequently, eliminate cellulite. The recommended frequency for cardio exercises is thirty minutes per day, five times a week at the minimum, for a healthy individual. A consultation with your health care provider is a must if you are starting an exercise program or have any health issues. First time exercisers should start slowly, eventually progressing as their strength and stamina improves. Some activities you can do include walking, running, swimming and dancing, as well as some sports like tennis or basketball.
Weight training exercises also work effectively. Exercises to get rid of cellulite using weights are good for enhancing metabolic activity, increasing calorie expenditure in the process. This is because muscles require more calories just by merely existing. Doing weight training exercises that involve the large muscles of the body are most beneficial. This includes the muscles of the legs, buttocks, back and chest. For the lower body, calf raises, lunges, squats, leg extensions and other exercises that use the muscles of the lower extremities are suitable.
Yoga is another great way to tone muscles and reduce cellulite. It elongates the muscles and develops flexibility. The Yoga Journal recommends a few poses to facilitate cellulite banishment, including the cat, cow, dolphin, plank and boat poses to develop and tone the core muscles.
Cellulite, once it develops can be hard to get rid of. If you, like most people have it, it could be an embarrassment especially if it extremely visible. You can, however, take steps to reduce or completely get rid of it. There are many exercises that you can do to discourage it from lodging onto your thighs, buttocks or wherever in your body, but it takes discipline and commitment. Topical anti-cellulite creams help but it cannot address the problem at the heart of it. Consistent exercise and a healthy low fat diet are the keys that will help you permanently get rid of cellulite.
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